I've got nothing today. Working on a few ideas, but am generally uninspired.
So, I will bore you with minutia that I think is interesting in some minor way:
- A person I know (not a friend by any stretch, not even really an acquaintance, just someone I could pick out of a lineup if requested and beyond that, tell you her name and a few facts about her) sent a personal reply to an email from her boyfriend (with the whole email copied below hers) to a list we're on. The whole list. Then she sent another one a few minutes later apologizing and asking us please not to start a goofy email thread. Now what's the fun in that, I ask you? Seriously, if you're gonna spam a list with a "Hi baby I love you" *flutter flutter of the eyelashes* email, you really need to be prepared for some teasing. But I will respect her wishes and comment on my blog instead. That's fair, right?
-In Blogger you can, apparently, use a strikethrough - I'm jazzed about that as I have had strikethrough envy of many WordPress blogs of late. Though I may still switch at some point...like if Blogger vomits again.
-Our test server is still flaky. This is going on two weeks. Makes for very productive days, let me tell you.
-I have decided to quit speaking up in my Sunday school class because I'm tired of being accused of causing strife and controversy simply by expressing my opinion. I need to see if I can find someone to finish teaching the book we're studying. I think I'll be able to finish out this section, but there are four weeks beyond it that I'm just not willing to do anymore. And I would love to recommend A Celebration of Discipline (there's a video study with workbooks and a leader's guide) for the next thing we do, but I'm keeping my lips zipped.
-It's Wednesday. Do you know where your mountain goats are?
-What about your wallabees?
-What do you mean you don't have either of those?
-Tim sent me this. Because he's a little odd that way. But it's cute, and, well, "Hi baby! I love you!" *flutter flutter*
8 hours ago
Mountain goats and wallabees?
ReplyDeleteOf course we don't have either of those. What you MEANT to say was:
Do you know where your water buffalo is?
What about your baby kangaroo?
Cuz....everybody has a water buffalo, mine is fast and yours is slow. Where they come from I dont know but everybody has a water buffalooooooo.
Everybody has a baby kangaroo, mine is pink but yours is blue...
Lynellen - you're right, that's EXACTLY what I meant to ask. In fact, had I thought of it, I would've. I need to dig out my Veggie Tales silly songs and listen again :)
ReplyDeleteWotM - Cool! The hosting thing shouldn't be too difficult to figure out, if you need help I can probably add some pointers. You can email me anytime (it's posted somewhere around here). :)
a. I think we all know what kind of teasing will happen with luvy duvy sweetie peetie sugar lover emails!
ReplyDeleteITS ON!
b. Continue to speak up...they dont like...tough...we will start our own class!
c. not gonna do it! bill might though.........
d. will be glad to make the suggestion for you...or C will...
e. all i can say is....go here.....
It's weird how the wave goes. About a month everyone was quitting blogging (and I was ready to follow). And now everyone on Blogger wants to switch to Wordpress (and I'm tempted to do the same, too).
ReplyDeleteWell, maybe I'll see you in the Wordpress neighborhood then! :)
My nearest Wallaby is a 45 ish minute drive. My nearest wallabee is not far enough away I'm sure - they are ugly shoes!!!
ReplyDeleteOkay, you lost me on the Wallaby reference. Sorry! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd I luuuurve Word Press. Thought I'd tear my hair out trying to learn CSS and then I bit the bullet and hired someone to help. I've been happy with siteground for my hosting. Cheap and they have the stuff needed for Wordpress. Oh, and they had one-click install. Gotta love that.
Rach, I was going for the animal...there is an animal, right? (Trust the New Zealander to point out the obvious animal gaffes made by the ignorant American ;) )
ReplyDeleteCinthia - I was noticing that quitting trend too. I wasn't super tempted, though last week I had a moment. I'm more than likely going to do the domain/hosting route rather than at Word Press, but we'll see. I may just stick it out with Blogger...dunno.
Michelle - You're not the only one who loves it. I hear nothing but good thigns. One click install sounds good! I'll have to check them out. CSS and I work together, so that shouldn't be too much of an issue. :)
Sorry Beth! hehe. It's an Australian animal (so not native to us but we have one in the Zoo). They look a bit like Kangaroos but they are smaller. Don't mind the New Zealander, she loves to tease :).