
Blogathon: 1 Hour In

So far, this blogathon has been very productive for me - in fact, it has had the following positive repercussions:

  1. I was so worried about not waking up in time to post something around 9 that I actually didn't sleep overly well - opting instead to dream about posting and posting and posting but encountering repeated blogger issues that made none of them show up. Either that or waking up at like 2 pm only to find that I'd only been dreaming about posting. So yeah, dreaming about dreaming about posting. Someone pinch me, quick!
  2. Since I was up so early, the puppies actually had to be cuddled into wakefulness - usually it is the other way around. And their version of cuddling is typically much closer to pouncing.
  3. I have updated my todo list, since I was up and all.
  4. I have gone out while it was still cool enough to do so and pruned my roses and pulled some weeds. (And, not incidentally, squished a fair number of June Bugs/Japanese Beetles)
On another random note - are June Bugs and Japanese Beetles the same thing? I have always used the names interchangably, please advise me if I am wrong.

Now I am off for a shower so that I can make my coffee date at 11. (Yes, that means I pruned my roses in my jammies, what of it?)

1 comment:

  1. Well, my question has always been are June bugs the same as July bugs? I have no idea about the Japanese Beetles (are you talking about the music group, or the insect). ;-)
