
Demo: Complete!

Wahoo! All tile removed. Demolition: complete.

We do still need to unscrew and remove the 1" plywood on top of the subfloor so we can put backerboard down but otherwise, we're finished and in less time than I orginially thought it would take.

Here's photographic evidence:

Next step: order food from Outback for carryout. Go get it, go home. Figure out what's after that, after that.


  1. I am impressed with your skilz! These kinds of projects always give me the heebee jeebees because of things like the subfloor dry rot...it never fails that something unexpected turns up. Good job!!

  2. Thankee, Gwynne. I'm pretty pleased with how well it went and I think the subfloor is actually ok if we take off the plywood that the tile was on. (It looks ok from below, at least, we'll evaluate after the 1" ply is off.)

    I'm kinda a DIY queenie :)
