
Like a circle in a spiral

How did it get to be nearly August? I'd really like to know where the summer went. I suppose it's good that it has flown by as quickly as it did given that we had no vacation and we had houseguests for an inordinately long time, but seriously, I feel like we are about 2 months too early to be hearing back-to-school commercials or thinking about the fact that I need to get online and order my text books for my own classes.

On the positive side of things, Tim's and my 11th anniversary is coming up shortly. We're going away for a weekend (not that exact weekend, unfortunately, due to his work schedule) and have some fun things planned. I am working on making sure we can visit an alpaca farm while we're out in the wilds - I figure Tim will get a kick out that. Bonus points if I can find one that has alpacas and llamas. But he'll be ok with just alpacas.

This weekend was a blast - you can get the blow by blow destruction of my sister's powder room by scrolling along. And other random "I have nothing fascinating to say but I'm trying to participate in the spirit of blogathon" posts as well. If I decide to participate for real next year, I'll have to work on having something interesting to post, because, well, otherwise it's kinda sad. I spent much of Sunday sleeping or watching TV (and dozing) and just generally resting up - though I did the laundry and some tidying done as well.

And the best news of all? I didn't lose my cleaning lady. I'm very happy. For the past couple weeks I have been quietly bemoaning the fact that having very messy company for seven weeks had lost me my cleaning lady - because toward the end she left me a note saying she wanted to raise her price by 25%. And, well, I can barely tolerate paying what we pay when it's something I'm perfectly capable of doing myself if I can just find the time. So a 25% increase is just not happening and I let her know that my company was leaving but that if she really felt that's what she needed to do, I would understand but that unfortunately it meant I wasn't able to use her anymore. Well, she called yesterday and let me know we could stay at the original rate. Hooray! I have been having stress dreams about working full time, going to school full time, and trying to keep a clean house at the same time. There are super women out there who manage it, but I've never looked good in a cape. So, after that call I did a little happy dance.

With that, I will get back to work because today I actually have something to do - which just makes the days pass more quickly and feel more worthwhile.


  1. But how do you look in red and blue spandex with a wide belt? That is the true measure of a Super Woman. ;-) I'm jealous of the fact that you have a cleaning woman! I may have to get me one of those.

    What is Tim's infatuation with alpacas anyway? The subject keeps popping up and has peaked my curiosity finally to the point of asking. ;-) Have you ever been to Fluid Pudding's site? She posted a picture from a petting zoo and properly noted that they looked like the Bay City Rollers with their hairdos and all...now that's what I think every time I see them.

  2. Gwynne, I think the world will be a better place if we never actually find out how I look in any kind of spandex, let alone red and blue spandex. Linda Carter I ain't. :)

    I'll tell you, cleaning people are wonderful people and I highly recommend having one, but be warned, once you start, quitting is a difficult prospect to face.

    You know, I don't know the reason behind Tim's infatuation with alpacas and llamas. It all started with llamas - probably about 8 years ago, and I think it's the two l's honestly. And it's fun to say, llama. And it's just gone on from there. I'll see if I can get him to quantify the enchantment and post what I find out.

    Bay City Rollers. Hee! Fitting. :)

  3. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I would love to have a cleaning lady. You'd think with only 2 people it would be easy to take care of a home, but it's not esp. when you work alomst an hour from home. But still we're trying to save to build a house and oh yeah pay for all them tickets hubby gets with that motorcyle....

    So any new on when the company is leaving??? Oh and wow 11 years that's so cool:) Congrats!

    Btw-I know you've heard this before but this is the last time.....I've paid for the place so I'm staying. I've moved to my own home:)

    I'm now at www.simplydawnmarie.com

    I decided if hubby's hobby costed money, then I wanted my own place. It's not but a few dollars a month and plus I just wanted to. So I hope you'll move with me one more time:)

  4. Dawn, they've been gone for 5 (almost 6) days, actually (yay!) So life is settling back down to happiness. I've updated my link to your new digs as well :)
