
Book List and Other Sundries

I took today off to work on homework, so I'm trying to be dilligent and actually do the homework I stayed home from work today to do. Thus, this will be a shortish list of random thoughts:

  1. I am planning on using LibraryThing for my 2007 Book List. It looks very cool. However, I think it's going to necessitate a new blog design, so it may have to wait until February when I'm finished with school and have time to tinker with my .css. Of course, I'm ready for a newish look here anyway, so it all works out. In the meantime, I may put a hand-written list in the sidebar, but that's going to have to wait til I have time to myself for a few minutes. Maybe when I'm back at work next week.
  2. The dogs aren't sure what to do with the fact that Tim and I are both home. Though they seem pretty happy about it. I do worry a little about next week when we're both back to work (after Tim being home with them for 2 weeks.) I suppose they'll just be glad to have their naptime back.
  3. In a minorly Theological vein (it is Thursday, after all) - I've been noticing at church and when listening to CDs or the Christian radio station, that I find songs that speak directly to God much more worshipful than those that speak to me about how I should be worshipping. In other words, singing "Oh Lord, You're Beautiful, You're face is all I seek, and when Your eyes are on this child Your grace abounds to me." is so much more meaningful/worshipful than "I will call upon the Lord" that just talks about Him in the 3rd person. I notice this is true with some of the "great" hymns as well (Great is Thy Faithfulness, etc.) Anyone else notice this/feel the same way, or is it just me? And do you suppose that God prefers to have praises sung directly to Him (1st person) vs. sung about Him (3rd person)?


  1. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Regarding first person worship songs: Yes, for sure! I appreciate them more than third person worship songs. I'm not sure if God has a preference one way or the other, but I know I do. Not that I mind a decent third person worship song... there are some good ones, like A Mighty Fortress (my own favorite hymn).

    And you quoted one of the greats, by Keith Green,

    "Oh Lord, please light the fire
    that once burned bright and clear
    Replace the lamp of my first
    love that burns with holy fear"


  2. Anonymous10:50 AM

    i just change the pronoun to reflect how i feel. No one can hear me but God.

    It helps if i close my eyes while singing - I'm easily distracted.

    i found your blog looking for the words to that song, "when your eyes are on this child." The piano player was playing it before church started this week.
