
A Very Messy Desk

So, um...Gwynne asked for this and I don't have the time to clean it up first so...you get it in all of it's mid-homework glory. My desk. Littered with school and computer games and various other necessities of life.

The rest of my house is more organized, I promise!


  1. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Nice! One of the reasons I don't have a desk is that if I did, it would be way messier than that. Is that background pic on the desktop one of your own?

  2. Anonymous10:29 AM

    My office is HORRIBLE. Yours looks fabulous in comparison to mine. Sigh....I can dream....

  3. Michelle, I'm not sure I believe you. :) Though I suppose if it lets you crank out awesome books, really, what does it matter if it's messy?

    Jim, can things really get messier than that? Yes - that picture is one of my own - it's the Cistercian Abbey at the foot of the Rock of Cashel (in Ireland). Makes me just a little less "homesick" to have Ireland pictures aroudn all the time. Though I would pack up and move in a heartbeat, given the chance.

  4. Oooh, I love the photo of Ireland!! And really, even by this neat freak's standards, that is not messy. It looks like organized chaos. ;-)

  5. I have to agree with Gwynne, definitely looks like organised Chaos! That chair looks cozy!
