
Blogger Fall Down...Go Boom!

So yesterday Blogger was having issues off and on for most of the day - or at least for most of the day wherein I was trying to get to it. However, I suspect that the majority of you may actually be grateful because really? I had nothing fascinating to impart. (Much like today, but today you will not be spared because, as you see, Blogger is back.)

Accordingly, I present you with a hodgepodge of my random thoughts from yesterday (and some from this morning):

  • It's never a good feeling to arrive at work at 0-dark:thirty and find fire trucks outside your building. Do you go in? Do you wait? Do you just wander back toward the designated meeting area? It's not like there are masses of people here at that time of day so you can just follow the herd. Ended up asking a firefighter who was just standing there looking bored. He said it was fine to go in. I have clearly not been burnt up, so all is well. I'm guessing they're having alarm system troubles.
  • I hate MS Front Page. I'm using it to develop something for one of my classes and while yes, I realize that I chose it because I thought it would make my life easier and I didn't feel like just doing it by hand (and all my other cool web development tools went the way of the buffalo when last I changed jobs) it's just that now I remember why I hate Front Page. Cause it acts like it's going to make your life easier but really? Really it just is an enormous pain the behind and I think I'm going to end up doing more work, not less, to get the dumb thing looking reasonable. Moral of the Story: Front Page is eeeeevil. (Second moral of the story: Maybe it's time to invest in something that doesn't stink just for the random occasions when I actually do this stuff. If we need a third moral it's be thankful that at least Front Page is on my work laptop so not actually my hard earned money going to support the ridiculous.)
  • GuildWars is an incredibly fun and addictive game and I rue the day it entered my life because I would much rather traipse through imaginary worlds killing little (or big) evil things than rework something in Front Page.
  • Some little moronic chippy decided to pass my parents on the right last night as they were turning RIGHT into their driveway. They're fine. Even the chippy (who the police determined was at fault, cause passing on the right? Not so legal.). No ticket issued because dad didn't signal. Show of hands, please - who signals when turning into their driveway? Be honest.
  • It is apparently International Delurking Week (or at least, it is according to Susie.) So go out and delurk. Start here. Say hi. Wave. Something. Please?

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Front Page is eeeeevil.

    Nice to see it hasn't changed in a decade.

  2. Delurking *wave* ;-)

    I used the turn signal for my driveway once. And then I was so embarrassed, I looked around to make sure nobody saw me do it. ;-)

  3. Matt, yeah, exactly. The more things change, the more microsoft stays the same.

    Thanks, Gwynne :) I have a feeling that I would probably look around sheepishly were I to signal for my driveway as well. Though there have been times that I've wished for backup beeping when leaving and trying to dodge small chilluns and their 'cycles.

  4. Anonymous3:12 PM


    I never signal when pulling into my driveway. I think Jay does, though. :)

  5. Hi Deb! :) It's good to know there are some hardy signallers out there!

  6. Abomination is a very good adjective for Front Page, Eric. Amusingly, the product looks better in FF after being developed in FP than it does in IE. That cracks me up. (Though I admit to basically going in and stripping in all the FP stuff so that it's essentially hand coded html. Should've just started that way to beging with. Ah well.)

    Cool - you win the signalling prize which is...unending respect?
