
Movie Reviews

We haven't been doing a ton of movie watching at the Sleepy house lately, but we have seen a few that bear reviewing.

First up was My Super Ex-Girlfriend. This movie came to us by way of my office's White Elephant Exchange. (Now, you be the judge, but the "rules" of the exchange said the gift was supposed to be something that someone might possibly want. So not a "true" white elephant. Except in the case of this movie and the skeezy, slighly used set of three candles in weird holders that someone else got. It can always be worse. I put in a bottle of wine and chocolate. Cause, seriously, how is that ever a bad thing?)

If there is a predictable, slightly to completely trashy joke to put into a movie about superheros and what would happen if someone dumped them, it was in this movie. It's very much in the idiom of Scary Movie and Robin Hood, Men in Tights. As such, if you know going into it that this is what you're getting (which thankfully we expected), it's good for a cheap laugh or two (though you may feel slightly embarassed that you gave in to said urge to chuckle. Cause, well, it's just that bad.) Lots of what my sister terms "13 year old boy humor" and relatively good acting for what they had to work with script-wise. So if it's on, and you've got no nose hair to trim, and you're in the mood for a little potty humor, it's worth a watch. I'm not sure that our copy will ever see the light of day again, however.

3 Superhero Capes out of 5

Next up: The Island. How is it that I am just seeing this movie?! Despite the fact that I really don't like Ewan McGregor after the travesty he helped deliver to the Star Wars franchise (Just Say No to Episodes 1 through 3!), this was a fantastic flick and I'd watch it again (multiple times) in a heartbeat. It's a good twist on the modern day sci-fi genre, with enough plot points to keep you guessing pretty much through to the end (unless you start off already knowing the basic plot, which I didn't). It's got a very good pace to it with a great combination of the various plot points (suspense, romance, action). If you haven't seen it and you like action movies, I'm guessing you'll enjoy this one as well.

5 Lottery Winners out of 5

Next: Ice Age 2: The Meltdown. Yes, yes, this is a cartoon and technically a "kid's movie" but if you've seen Ice Age, you'll know there was something there for the adults as well. In fact, I venture to say that the four adults watching enjoyed it slightly more than the 4 year old in the room (though she did appreciate the antics of the squirrel - again, how do you not?) I was skeptical that the sequel would end up being as good as the first one, but it really holds up and doesn't feel "sequel-y". (Though one cynic - not me - chimed in that it was a rip off of The Land Before Time, to which I have only to say, if they're ripping it off, they're doing a way better job than TLBT ever managed.) The new characters (Possum brothers and Ellie) are good additions to the cast and the storyline. It was a fun, fun movie.

5 Glaciers out of 5

Finally: The Lake House. Now first, let me just say, Tim missed out on this one. The wording to our evening plans given me was: "We'll get together and watch A Christmas Story (which I loathe with the heat of 1,000 firey suns) and then afterward, we'll watch The Lake House." When the evening transpired, after the loathsome travesty on film was completed, the boys made themselves scarce leaving me and C to watch The Lake House on our own. And I'm not sure how I got suckered into watching that retarded movie during dinner if equal sacrifice was not proffered. Thankfully, it was a good enough movie that all was forgiven.

I could preface with the fact that I like Sandra Bullock. And I like Keanu Reeves (yes, even his rather poorly executed role in Much Ado About Nothing - I think it says a lot that he tried Shakespeare.) But I really don't think I need to - the movie is good on its own merit. It has a solid script and it was well done. There is one key piece that is imminently guessable, but that doesn't diminish the enjoyment of the movie in any way, shape, or form. It's a very simple, classic love story that leaves you satisfied.

5 Magical Mailboxes out of 5


  1. I'd agree with your ratings. I wasn't really a fan of my super-ex girl friend either but liked the other two! :)

  2. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Thanks for the movie recommendations! I'll see if I can get my hands on these. :)

  3. Rach, see next time you're in the US you need to come EAST and we can watch movies! :)

    Eric, you made it all the way to almost the end and gave up? Where's your determiniation? Your stick-to-it-iveness? *sigh* Men. Though enjoying the Island almost makes up for it. :) Yeah the railcar thing but seriously, 3 words to apply to every movie that isn't a true life documentary "Suspension of Disbelief" (And it's kinda amusing that the whole clone thing? No issues there, but the railcar, man, how'd that happen?)

    Michelle, hope you like them! I know you'll like the Lake House if you haven't seen it. And the kiddos would enjoy Ice Age 2 (as will you and hubs, I'm pretty sure.)

  4. Very true, Eric. Very true.

    Though I'm still giggling about the railcar thing, cause honestly? I didn't notice. Most of the time when I'm watching a movie, unless it's just a HUGE, GLARING problem, I might as well have been born yesterday. (But boy howdy, when those problems do crop up, they spoil the flick.)

  5. I absolutely will, and I'll probably point and say, "Look! Eric's train wheels!"
