
My Sister's New Puppy

My sister got a new puppy recently and she recently posed for this little gem:

Edited for the grammar police:
My sister got a new puppy who just posed for this little gem: (better?)

or I could say: Look - my sister's new puppy!

or Below is a picture of my sister's new puppy.

No, sweetie, it's fine. You look great.

(And since I'm all about commercializing on the cuteness of my sister's puppy, you can find this in the Sleepy Store.)


  1. "My sister got a new puppy recently and she recently posed for this little gem"

    Ahh... the ambiguities of English...does the "she" in "she recently posed for this little gem" refer to the sister or the puppy?

    Intelligent computer programs want to know!

  2. My sister's not that cute...so it's the puppy in the picture. ;)

  3. Hilarious...when I saw the picture, those were the first words that came to mind. ;-)

    Cute puppy!

  4. She's a sweetie (the puppy...well, my sister too, but I meant the puppy. Of course, how is a puppy not cute? Even ugly puppies are cute.)
