
Tuesday Tidbits

I've typed and discarded about four posts today. None of them really seemed interesting enough to bother with. Or they started out interested and then piddled/fizzled out at the end until even I was bored. So instead I bring you a bulleted list of my current thoughts (cause, yeah, that's not boring):

  • One of the levels of hell is going to consist of nothing but endless conference calls. Today I seem to be beta testing that particular feature.
  • Why is it that people always seem to want bigger, better search functionality? If they would just take the two minutes (ok, maybe five) to learn how to craft a reasonable boolean search query, they could get everything 90% of what they wanted out of even cruddy search tools. Are there seriously people who think their life could be better if they could just type in a fully formed question and have the computer understand them? And why do these people think we're really going to get there anytime soon? (Everyone, pick up your mouse and talk into it - "Hello, computer?"*)
  • My puppies go on Thursday to get their teeth cleaned. On the one hand, this will be a very good thing in the "Please-don't-breathe-on-me!" department, but on the other hand I always worry when they have to sedate my babies. So if you think of it on Thursday, pray for my puppies to be ok.
  • One of the people who I spend my workdays chasing around after and picking up his messes has resigned. Now I "get" to inherit his mess all for my very own. I need to find a new job. Quickly. I really don't need to be the one considered responsible for this trainwreck.
  • I'm on the last bit of edging this baby blanket, finally. I hope to finish it tonight and if I can swing it, I'll pop up a picture, cause I know you're all waiting, desperate to see the final product.
  • Been doing lots of reading - more on that if I can write something up that's worthwhile. I'm aiming for one review/commentary for this Thursday. We'll see what happens.

Happy Tuesday.


  1. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Prayers said for puppies.
    And I'd love to see your baby blanket.
    I like to see what other people are working on.
    Have a good afternoon, Beth!

  2. I'll be praying for the pups. And that you turn the trainwreck around and look like a *star*!!!

  3. Jennifer - thanks for the prayers! I know it's silly to worry but...well, they're my babies. :)

    Janie - Thanks! I'll work on the *star* thing - maybe at least I can swing a star attitude. :)
