
5 A.M on Saturday

I can't honestly remember the last time I was awake at 5 am on a Saturday. I wasn't an allnighter gal in college, so I didn't see it coming from the other end. Honestly, I think it might have been one of the trips we'd take with my family when we were little and we'd get up at some unGodly hour to start the drive from our home out to my grandparent's house for some holiday (usually Christmas).

Regardless, this morning my eyes popped open and I have, sadly, learned long ago that if I try to force the sleeping issue (even if I'm exhausted) I just end up cranky and more tired than if I'd gotten up and muscled through the day. So here I am.

I went to the front door to let the puppies (who seemed quite elated that someone was UP!) out to do some morning sniffing and other business and paused to look out the windows along the side of the door. I'm glad I did as there was a youngish looking fox ambling about the yard sniffing here and there herself (himself? I don't know - they don't wear pink or blue to help with that and there was nothing else immediately visible to clue me in.) So I scooted the puppies down into the basement (before they caught a glance at her, at that, which is amazing as they would surely have raised a ruckus had they seen and most likely awakened Tim, who is not afflicted with the eyes popping open issue that I have).

And so here we three sit after giving out the requisite morning scritches. Perhaps I will go make some coffee and do some homework. Or perhaps I'll bake something. We'll see how the whim whimbles when I get to the kitchen.

Happy Saturday!


  1. good job, grabbing the pups. But I bet the fox was cute too.

  2. Wow, early morning makes you create new words: scritches, whimbles. You are such a morning person, and you don't know it. I am enjoying your writings.
    John C

  3. Janie, the fox was cute. :) It's hard to remember with things like that that they're wild animals and not friendly things to go say hi to.

    John - whimbles is definitely new (but I like it and plan to continue using it in the future), scritches is a common word around our house as the puppies demand them frequently. :) Thanks for stopping by and saying howdy! (And I've never denied being a morning person, just usually not on weekends.)
