
Can I also add...

that it's very annoying when the shuffle function on your iPod decides that random doesn't mean what you think it does.



  1. May I ask what you thought it would do and what it actually did ;)?

  2. Well, see, I expected it to randomly pick songs - so that I might have Pet Shop Boys (oh hush, their songs are catchy) followed by, I don't know, Linkin Park (yes yes, you don't have to listen to it) followed by maybe the Flaming Lips or The Killers or Shakira (or all of those in order). Instead I got Beck, followed by Barenaked Ladies, followed by Ben Folds, followed by Beck again, followed by Beck AGAIN (my iPod loves Beck for whatever reason) followed by Black Eyed Peas...and while the little tour through the 'B' artists was ok, it wasn't, well...RANDOM. :)

    And yes, my muscial taste is...ecclectic

  3. Mine does do the random thing so I don't know what's with yours! Oh and don't worry my musical taste is also eclectic!
