
Because Gwynne Decreed It Must Be So

Gwynne has mandated that I share 7 random things about myself. I think that, honestly speaking, I could just point to seven random posts I've written and be done with it, but I'll try to adhere more strictly to the spirit of the mandate rather than the letter. After said 7 random things, there are to be 7 random tags. We'll see how I do with that part.


  1. I love to sit and watch the birds at the birdfeeder out on our deck. However, I suffer from what I can only term "bird envy". We seem to be the birdfeeder for, well, the plain janes of the bird world if truth be told. Setting aside our cardinal family - and they're lovely and wonderful and I'm grateful we have some pretty birds - most of our birds are brown. Sometimes they're brown and speckled. There is an occasional black and white one (I think those are nuthatches...have to say, bird books are only helpful if the bird manages to perch in exactly the same way the photographer happened to catch them.) Then we had a woodpecker of some sort for a few days in the fall. And I've spied, twice now, a blue jay. But they're not regulars. And I just wish for something a little prettier. It's shallow, I realize.
  2. I detest Newman's Own dressing. Frequently I use this very real dislike as a justification for purchasing something tasty (and calorie laden) like a double quarter pounder rather than a salad when at McDonald's. Cause plain salads are icky. But salads with Newman's Own on them? Darn near inedible.
  3. I just now for the very first time tasted a Zappo's Spicy Cajun Crawtators potato chip. I hereby declare them quite tasty. (And just the thing to get the taste of Newman's Own off my tongue.)
  4. I hate sitting at my desk with both feet on the floor. Most often I'm found with my left foot tucked under me. Sometimes after my left foot goes numb I switch. But not usually.
  5. I'm strangely fascinated by Jaynee's AECOs. I keep considering buying one (or several) but I'm not sure where I'd put them and I'm trying to avoid the whole "bought it cause I love it but can't use it" tendency that seems to come as part of my genetic makeup.
  6. I love puns but don't have nearly as many excuses to use them as I'd like.
  7. We have a fountain (solar powered) on our deck (it's one of the little copper ones from Plow & Hearth. Though I have neither a plow nor a hearth. Well, we have a gas fireplace, so technically I'm not sure which side of the hearth thing we fall on. But I'm saying we don't have one.) Most of the time it runs out of water because the birds sit on the containers and use it for a bird bath and get them all misaligned so the water just runs out. I act sympathetic while I help Tim refill it (he grumbles - and has tried many clever things to keep the bowls from moving. They don't work, but I imagine his dad is proud.) But secretly I'm greatly amused.

Seven people to go forth and do likewise (and like Gwynne, I don't care if you've done it already, they're random things so surely you can come up with 7 more! Or not...it's really up to you.):
You, and finally


  1. Anonymous2:44 PM

    i am the same way about number 4. i also have a little file thingy under my dest i'll prop a food and but no way both feet on the floor :)

  2. I have bird envy also. My Mom manages to attract birds of every feather (and squirrels, raccoons and chipmunks), but we mostly have only the little brown sparrows. Once in awhile, we see the cardinal couple, and even rarer, another male interloper will fly in and chase the resident male in figure 8's around the yard. I've heard woodpeckers on the side of our house once in awhile. That can't be good. It makes me think we have termites, or at best, holes in the wall left by the woodpeckers.

    Mmm, I love Newman's Own Basalmic dressing! How can you not love this? It's the one thing that makes a Chinese Chicken Salad at McDonalds worth eating. ;-)

  3. I can't say that I often have two feet on the ground. It just doesn't seem comfy...

  4. I wonder where you got your love of puns :-)

  5. I think it's Zapp's and not Zappo's. Zappo's is an online shoe store.

  6. Gwynne, I'll save mine all up and send it to you periodically. Bleh.

    Dawn & Rach, I'm glad it's not just me!

    GT - Hmmmm...;)

    MCM - you're right, of course. The s on the package looks a bit like an o and I was typing in a hurry and, well...there you are. Regardless, they're still quite tasty!
