I'm still slogging through Russka. I guess one could consider it a testament to the authenticity of the writing that this historical fiction account of the formative years of Russia reads just like Crime and Punishment. On the other hand, it really makes it a slog. Unfortunately (or maybe it's fortunate, I'm not sure) just when I start to think about just putting it down and walking away, I wind up hitting a really interesting factoid or story line that pulls me in for another few pages. For example, I learned the (purported) origin of "All dressed up and nowhere to go", which is one of my favorite little phrases.
According to Rutherford, this phrase was originally "All dressed up on St. George's day with nowhere to go" and it stems from the tradition where peasants (essentially serfs) could pay off all their debts and leave one master for another on St. George's Day. So the peasants would make all their payments (if they'd been able to hoard enough cash) and then put on their Sunday best and go apply to another Lord. But, if there was no other master in range of their ability to travel, or that master, for whatever reason, didn't want them, then they were said to be "All dressed up on St. George's day with nowhere to go." Fun, no?
So, I have made it through the reign of Peter the Great and am on to Catherine the Great. I'm hoping that it picks up a little, though honestly at this point I understand completely (and sympathize with the decision) why there was an uprising. I'm ready to rebel, myself. Still, I think I'm in the 500 page range now, so there are only(?) about 400 pages to slog through. I almost feel like at this point I have too much invested to give up.
However, I have also read other books in the mean time. I'm participating in two blog tours next week, so those reviews will wait for another couple days and I've finished the book for a November tour. Also, I plan to visit Barnes and Noble this weekend so I'm guessing that a few more books may make their way home with me. That does tend to happen.
In other random thoughts...
Lynellen has a new episode of America's Next Top Dog Model up, it's rather cute. But then, her puppy is a character and quite adorable. Also, I helped her do a minor site redesign (very minor).
On the docket for this weekend is homework and trying to decide if I'm going to try and outline something for NaNoWriMo or just wing it. Right now I'm leaning toward winging it, but I suspect I'll be happier with myself in the long run if I can at least have a basic idea of whatever it is I'm trying to do before I start.
I officially consider the Nobel Peace Prize a joke. I realize that it probably has been one for a long time, but the inconvenient dorkbutt winning really just clinches it.
Finally, October has finally seemed to hear and heed my previous cry and it is a beautiful 65 degrees today and slightly overcast (though they keep promising rain and thus far there has been nothing. Still, hope springs eternal - and with the cooler weather I don't mind the dry quite as much.)
5 days ago
I'm just glad we are getting back to summer - not that I'm wishing winter on you but the hotter weather is great!