
The Joys of Ice

It's 8:12 p.m. and Tim has not yet left the office. Why is this, you might wonder? Well, it's owing to the fact that I-95 is, essentially, closed. Sometimes there are huge detriments to living in this area. Not that this doesn't happen occasionally in other places, but honestly, this area is nearly famous for spending millions to have salt trucks idling on the side of the roads just in case it should snow, sleet, or ice when such is predicted. So to have totally missed the boat so badly today is...frustrating.

On the positive side, he needs to be at home tomorrow for both our first post placement visit and our FiOS installation, so the extra time he's putting in now is less time that he has to spend trying to work from home tomorrow. Which might mean I can have a few minutes to myself to do things that need both hands and are easier without a child strapped to you. (Positive side of a kid that doesn't like to be put down? My jeans feel a little looser. Negative side? My back is starting to hurt.)

I hope he gets home kinda soon...I'm tired. And that is about all the random brain power I have available after dealing with a fretful baby all day.


  1. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Yep, the roads on route 5 were untreated and untouched today. It was grand.

  2. Anonymous9:36 PM

    It took me over 4 hours to get home from Richmond tonight. 95 was a nightmare.

  3. Jim, I often think of you on cruddy weather days like this and wish that the post office would just apply common sense rather than their rain, sleet, snow thing. Um..safety first? Hope you have treated roads today!

    Jen, ugh. A coworker of Tim's who lives near us went ahead and left at 4:45...as far as we can tell she had not yet made it home by 9 when Tim finally left. I think everyone had a horrid commute yesterday.

  4. At least the Feds were wise this morning and delayed opening and allowed for leave today.

  5. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I wish you guys could offload some of that snow on us Atlantans. I wouldn't mind seeing some more. :(

  6. Glad Tim made it home safely (I'm assuming by your comment above that this is the case) and didn't have to spend the night at the office. Gotta love the weather. Ugh!

  7. You need an Ergo- worth every PENNY! I nearly died hauling around H2 before I got one!

  8. If only it was snow, Steven...it's just ice.

    Gwynne, yes he's home safely. Yay!

    Slush - I have one, but I'm not thrilled with the infant insert, so we're holding off until he can hold his head up. He does ok in the snuggli - it's just that it still seems to tweak my back.

  9. Ummmm...it was like 70 degrees here today and almost hot. Craziness.

  10. This is why you should move over my way. That never happens where I am hehe.
