Since I love books and hope (desperately) to instill that love for books in Joshua, when I saw the opportunity to do a blog tour for 3 children's books, I jumped. And now we have three more books for our collection. Yay!
First up was God Gave Us Heaven. This is a cute book narrated by a daddy polar bear to the baby polar bear that tells about what heaven is and how we get there. It's not heavy on the whole idea of dying - in fact, it really doesn't focus on that at all, but it would be a good first step to introducing the idea of heaven to your kids (just not in the "someone died and went to heaven" sense). The illustrations are lovely and the pages tough enough to stand up to the Joshua-handling that I couldn't intercept. Overall, we enjoyed it and will definitely be putting it into rotation for bedtime as he gets a little older.
Next was When God Created My Toes. This is a fun, rhyming jaunt that starts with God creating our toes ("Did he make them wiggle, did He know I'd giggle") to God creating our hearts to love Him. The illustrations are very lifelike and charming (almost like the modern day Hummel figurines as drawings) and go well with the fun rhymes that appear as if they're written on lined note paper. Again the book is sturdy enough for watchful reading with a 7 month old and this one I think is appropriate enough to start rotating in now rather than waiting til he's a bit older.
Last was God Loves Me More Than That, by the same author as the toes book, with the same fun rhymes and charming illustrations. This book goes through everyday things that kids would know and shows the love of God for us as bigger, stronger, louder, etc. than that. It's a cute play on the idea that at least in our family we used to do which was bigger than the ocean, bigger than the sky, bigger than the universe, etc. As with the other two, this is a sturdy book and I think we'll probably put into our current bedtime rotation as well.
If you're looking for a children's book for a gift or for your own children, any one of these three would be a great addition to your library.
2 days ago
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