Today, Joshua and I toddled up to Mount Vernon - because nothing helps with finishing a dissertation more than some good procrastination. (What?) It was a good day for tooling around with the tourists - not too hot, not too humid. (Though I'd've been happier had it been slightly cooler, all things being equal. I haven't been since they added the new museum and interpreters - both really add quite a bit to the experience and rather than a quick trip through an old (if pretty) house - it's much more Williamsburg-y - which is to say, a whole Colonial experience.
We sat for a while and listened to Martha Washington chatter with guests, answering questions about the General and life at Mount Vernon (and in Philadelphia) while she worked on some sewing. She enjoyed seeing Joshua and did a fun job pulling in the clothing and rearing habits of her era while ooing over the baby. And really, what's not fun about having someone ooh over your baby?
Then we went to the new museum area and wandered through. I have to say, it's incredibly well done. I'd seen thoughts posted here and there that this was a detriment to the history - but honestly, I can't see how. It's interactive and it really makes the life and times come alive - more so than simply walking through the house and listening to tour guides could ever do. We didn't sit through every movie, but the ones we did were just incredible. The Revolutionary War movie was by far the best bit of the day - complete with snow and rumbling seats with the cannon fire (and it still didn't detract from the history.)
The only negative to the day was that my free stroller (given me by a friend who was otherwise going to trash it) really and truly is horrid. Which I guess is just another proof that you do get what you pay for. I think our friend's six year old would be the right height for the handles, anyone taller just ends up with a backache from hunching over to push the thing. The wheels...well, you can't convince me that they're actually wheels as they really don't roll all that well. So I used the stroller to carry the diaper bag and ended up carrying Joshua instead - happily I had brought the Ergo along since I knew I couldn't take the stroller through the house.
It was a fun day though and I'm glad I dragged myself out of the house - I was in need of a change of scene and some edutainment.
2 days ago
Yeah - we went with our extended family and visited the same things... The new museum was great and Noel LOVED the snow. We plan to go back at Christmas. You should come with us!