I never used to believe in time travel or spatial anomalies. They were fun ideas rooted firmly in fiction, though ever so entertaining when incorporated into TV shows, movies, and novels. However, I am rapidly becoming a believer. Why, you ask? Well, I'll tell you...it's because I am in possession of my very own time warp.
We have satellite TV (Dish Network, if you're wondering, we love them, they rock) and the side bonus is that whenever we lose power, once it's back on, we can just flip on the TV and get accurate local time to use in resetting all the clocks. The first clocks I set are on the phone, because once you set the main phone (located in the kitchen with easy view of the TV) you can flash it to all the extension phones and, voila, accurate time on every floor. After that, it's simply a matter of glancing at the nearest phone to set whatever other clocks need setting. This methodology beats my previous method of taking my cell phone around with me, because certain dead areas in the house make the signal go away and "searching for signal" replaces my nice, accurate time display.
Anyway, the last time we lost power, I reset the clocks and life was good. But for whatever reason (see above under time warp), life is no longer good. In fact, there's a discrepancy of about 9 minutes between the basement and upstairs (no matter how often I fix the things). So, you can leave the basement at 2:15 and arrive on the main level at 2:18. Continuing up to the top floor will scoot you to 2:24. All in the time it takes to climb two flights of stairs, which even at my least fit has never been 9 minutes.
It wouldn't matter, really, except that it makes it impossible to know how long the baby has been napping. Well, that, and it's slowly driving me crazy.
2 days ago
see, its not that the clocks are off...really..its not...its that you are being micro-abducted by aliens.