Not a bunch happening these days in the Sleepy home. Tim is busily working away, with rather more trips out of town than I would choose, were I in charge. But, alas, I am not in charge and so away he goes. However, they've so far been pretty short jaunts of two days, so I really can't complain. This does still leave him rather knackered at the end of the week, making weekends a time for laying low and recovering.
Joshua continues to grow like a weed and is getting rather adept at pulling up and sliding along anything he can glom on to. I don't think outright walking is going to be anytime immediately though, as he still prefers to step on his own feet more than anything else. Of course that could change at any time, I know.
I've been trying desperately to regain my motivation with my Ph.D. It's just frustrating to even consider putting forth another bout of Herculean effort only to have my "advisor" brush it off as wasted. And I begin to think that the only real difference between those with a Ph.D. and those without is persistence and high tolerance for abuse. Persistence I can probably dredge up, we'll see if it's enough. On the not-so-positive side, the more I think about it, the more I realize that realistically since I'm not going to be able to do my study in October this year, I'm probably going to have to wait til the beginning of next school year. Which is more wasted time and tuition. We'll see what happens.
The rain from Hanna this weekend was lovely and needed, and not anything overly dreadful around our home. Though I could have done without the pressure headache. Still, everything greened up a bit, and that's nice.
2 days ago
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