I went to MOPS today...and notwithstanding the acronym, I had a reasonably good time. I got a call last night saying that they'd restructured the nursery so there was room for us and, since they went to the trouble, I figured I should probably go ahead and go. And it was good. And more than that, it was nice to know the kiddo had a jolly time playing with some of his cohorts from nursery on Sundays. He needs more interaction with kiddos his age - and while there are some on our block, our block is one of those where no one really talks to anyone else. So...if he's going to have a chance it's either find some sort of organized activity or become *that neighbor*.
So....we'll go back. And who knows, I might find a friend or two myself.
21 hours ago
Yay! I think we may seek out a play group at church also.