If you were in doubt, today is Monday. How Monday is it? So. Very. Monday.
There's a little gathering of moms who get together on Monday mornings to hang out and let the kids play. The boys adore it, I can tolerate it. The main mom who I enjoy told me at church yesterday that they wouldn't be there, so I'd planned to skip. But, see above -- the boys adore it. SO they did all their chores etc to be ready so we could go for the hour before piano lessons and, okay, fine.
We get there? No cars in the driveway.
I didn't get that memo. Oops?
Back home we go. (Not a huge deal, the house where we meet is only maybe 8 minutes away, so really not a biggie.) Finish up school, make sandwiches to eat in the car on the way to piano, and off we go to lessons.
We get there, and his teacher finishes up and then holds her purse aloft and says to me, "I'll be right back, I need to run to the bathroom as I'm having an unexpected visitor." Seriously. She could've stopped after bathroom. Women of the world: DO NOT TALK TO ME ABOUT YOUR CYCLE. I really don't care. I don't want to know. And? More than all that? I don't want to explain to my SIX YEAR OLD what kind of unexpected visitor comes to the bathroom.
Yeah. That was fun.
After piano we were all off to the grocery store. Except for the list, which apparently decided to spend the day chilling on the kitchen counter. So it should be fun to see if we can actually manage the meals that are planned for the next two weeks with the groceries my brain thought it remembered that we needed.
We get home and there's a snake in the garage.
That's right.
I'm so done at this point, you have no idea.
So, yeah yeah, black snake. Harmless. Caught in the glue trap. Do. Not. Care. See above caps.
And then, when the groceries are unloaded and put away, I grab a glass of water out of the fridge thinking that nice, cold water is just what I need? It tastes like metallic mold again. Or still, depending on how you want to phrase it.
Can we just go ahead and fast forward to Friday? Please?
2 days ago
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