At the start of the year, I got it into my head to crochet a temperature blanket this year. It was a bit of temporary insanity coupled with peer pressure, I think, as I have a number of friends doing this as well. Essentially, it's a blanket wherein each row has a color based on the temperature for that day. I'm doing 10 degree increments, because I hate switching yarn and wanted to minimize that as much as possible.
Regardless, when I made that decision, I ambled off to Hobby Lobby to procure the needed yarn and spent a lot longer than was probably necessary sorting out the scale of colors that would take us through the year. For the 80s and 90s, I was hoping for some oranges, but the selection was somewhat lacking. I ended up with a terra cotta like color (which I like) and then a burnt pumpkin for the 90s.
Since we managed to hit 90+ the past three days, I finally had a chance to add a row of that burnt pumpkin looked a lot like poo. Given what the temps around here do in the summer, I really wasn't on board with a huge swath of poo in the middle of my blanket. So this afternoon, while we were out and about running errands, I ambled off to Hobby Lobby to exchange the two skeins of poo for something else.
I checked in at the return/exchange counter, left the old yarn, and headed back to the appropriate aisle. The selection of orange was still not what I was hoping for. So, where I had been planning to use red only for days we went over 100, I finally decided to make red for the 90s and then found a darker red (cranberry something or other) for those few over 100 days. Pleased with the solution (and with the fact that hubby had taken the kids to Game Stop to browse while I ran this errand, so I could actually think easily and quickly and get the job accomplished in very little time), I headed back up to the counter.
Of course, in the intervening time from January to now, the price of yarn went up by a dollar. No biggie, we'd just return the other two and I'd buy the new ones. Smiling at the cashier, I said, "Great, that'll give me a chance to use my coupon."
So she rang up the return, then she rang up the new purchase and, because I was going to use my 40% off one item coupon, double-checked that the yarn wasn't on sale. Except, it was. For 30% off. Yay!
Applying the discount, it ended up that she had to refund me $0.36. I told her we could go for the straight exchange if it was easier, because I'm not going to quibble about thirty six cents. But since she'd already started the rigamarole on the cash register, she said it was easier to just go with it, if I didn't mind have that amount sent back to my credit card.
I assured her I didn't. And I might have chuckled the whole way home.
7 hours ago
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