
So Much Nothingness

A list, because there's not all that much to say:
  • The whole Nike thing? Yes, well, I wasn't planning to buy them anyway. Littlest's current shoes happen to be Nikes because they were on sale and they fit. But really, there are so many more interesting things to think about than spokespeople who play a sport I couldn't care less about and their bizarre SJW choices. In other words, six SleepyBeth Mehs, straight up.
  • The boys have cycled back into a phase of constant bickering. We go in and out of this phase with some regularity. But every time we move back into it, I realize that I do understand how alcoholism happens. Someone send rum.
  • Speaking of cycles, Mom is on a downward swing. Her ups and downs are going in and out more frequently these days. I imagine that means before long we'll hit the all down, all the time stage and then, finally, her reunion with the Savior. I don't wish her gone by any stretch, but the rollercoaster is exhausting. For her and for everyone. I think in the middle of the inevitable grief there will be some small nugget of relief that she is, at last, at rest.
  • Awana is starting up on Sunday, making this week the week of pulling out my hair as I see how despicably understaffed we are. Getting volunteers is a hideous, hideous job.
  • Our church also recently started up a Trail Life and American Heritage Girls troop. While I'm glad for the boys to have a chance to do TL (since we will not do Scouts), I am frustrated by how it has eaten away at my Awana volunteers.
  • I haven't written anything book-wise in close to a week. It's not so much writer's block as it is mental exhaustion. Every time I sit down at my computer and stare at the document I can't help but think I'd be better off watching TV. So mostly I do. I know this too shall pass, but I'm ready for that to happen. I'm also trying to give myself a break, because life.

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