We're supposed to get snow tomorrow. Mixed with sleet and freezing rain and all other manner of madness. Schools are already closing in preparation for the possibility.
The Sleepy School for Exceptional Boys will be operating on its usual schedule.
Particularly since we've been off since Thursday and we tend to take Fridays off, it'd be good for us to get a little bit of work done.
I suspect we'll work some sledding into the plan as well though if we actually get snow. (Odds are just as likely that we'll get bupkiss.)
It's amusing to see everyone already starting to run around like headless chickens. It's snow people (and other ugliness, yes), just stay home if you can and be off the roads in your house. You probably will not be stuck there for more than a day - two tops - so you really are not going to run out of milk and toilet paper.
Honestly? I'm just hoping the roads will be clear enough for me to still go to my dermatologist appointment on Thursday morning. I'd really like to get these stitches out. I have the (perhaps misplaced) hope that it'll cut down on a good bit of the itching currently going on near my incision.
6 days ago
Heh. Is this the line for setting our hair on fire?