I mentioned in one of my lists of random that we'd been doing some babysitting of late. Well, this week I thought we were getting off scott free, but not so! We had her yesterday. We had her today. We will have her tomorrow.
I don't really mind, but it is a little inconvenient. Hub's sister is always very apologetic and tries to give me advance notice, but like tonight she called at 8pm as I'm putting youngest to bed because the girl she thought was going to do it tomorrow texted to bail.
I don't get that. I really, really don't. If you make a commitment, you keep it. Especially when, as is the case in this instance, you're getting paid. I mean if she's ill, then fine. That happens and no one wants someone watching a baby when they're sick. But I didn't get the idea from my sister-in-law that that's what was going on.
Regardless, when we first started watching Baby A, I hurried off to Amazon to get myself a ring sling. Baby carriers are the absolute bomb and I knew I wasn't going to get anything done with the boys (because, hello, homeschool still has to happen, as does stuff like cleaning and so on). Life doesn't stop just because we're babysitting. And that has been fab. But we had already divested ourselves of all the baby paraphernalia.
So last night on the way home from church, eldest and I grabbed a pack and play from Target. That thing already paid for itself today. (Baby A needs to nap. She's 6 months old. Now, she'll sleep for about an hour if I hold her and everyone is quiet. Or I can kind of gate off an area of the floor and put down some blankets and she'll maybe snooze 45 minutes. But I knew that wasn't enough. Sure enough, today she took a solid 2 hour nap in the morning and closer to 3.5 in the afternoon. That's much more like it!)
Anyway, best of all, she goes home in the evening so I mostly get snuggles during the day for minimal effort. I'll take it.
In other husband's family news, they moved from nearby to about 3 hours away over the summer. Since then it's been the sighing passive aggressive, "Gosh, it'd be nice to see you all." I roll my eyes. I's good we don't video chat with them. Regardless, we didn't see them super often -- and only when I pushed the issue - when they lived close. But now, suddenly, they're dying to see us? Whatever.
Still, we were talking it over and kicked around some dates, settled on them, and I called MIL to let her know. She said great, they were looking forward to it. This was maybe five weeks back. So this past weekend, I called just to confirm now that we had our various reservations confirmed etc and there is a long pause.
Oh, <date>?
Yeah, like we talked about at the start of August?
Oh...we won't be here.
Turns out, she scheduled some doctor's appointments back up here for those days so they'll be up here. While we're down there.
I roll my eyes again.
They may be able to get back in time our last day for us to meet for dinner before we head out. But honestly.
If I can just remember this so I am not this kind of in-law, I will consider it a win.
2 days ago
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