Sometime earlier this week I said to hubs, "Why don't we go out Saturday night?"
Hubs is almost always up for dinner out sans kiddos, so we checked that our sitter was free (she was, which is good) and settled, after a brief discussion, on heading down to Fredericksburg to the fancy-pants German restaurant in old town.
Fancy pants but yummy.
Still, as you do with fancy pants places, we figured a reservation was good idea and I said I'd take care of it. So I looked up the website on my phone and it had the option to book a table. I figured it'd take me on over to OpenTable or the like where I could book myself a reservation, so I tapped the button...
And my Google Assistant screen shows up with a calendar and draggy line for time and lets me know that, once I've selected the appropriate information, good old Google Assistant will make me a reservation.
Well, okay. Why not? What could go wrong?
So I chose date and time and submitted and promptly got an email saying that the GA would be calling shortly for our reservation.
A little while later, I got an update saying that they'd be trying again in 30 minutes.
And about an hour later, I got a confirmation with our reservation info.
As one who despises the phone, this is a beautiful thing.
Also maybe a little scary.
But mostly beautiful.
Because the robot overlords will take good care of us. I know they will.
2 days ago
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