Had to run out for groceries this morning. We might have been able to stretch a bit longer, but the boys love milk and cereal (with milk) and it was starting to get a little low. And since we needed that, I just went ahead and planned out two weeks of meals and shopped accordingly.
Now to keep eldest from hoovering it all up. That boy loves to eat. And he grows accordingly, so it's not as if I doubt he's hungry, but when everything is fresh and shiny he tends to go a little overboard wanting to open everything at once. Normally, that's not really a problem, but I find myself wanting us to finish one thing first before moving on to the next right now. (Eg. Yogurt. Let's choose a flavor and eat that entire tub prior to opening the other flavor.)
Maybe it doesn't matter, but it makes me feel better, so let's humor mom, shall we?
I'm struggling to wrap my head around this being Holy Week. Easter is Sunday and our usual large family gathering is, of course, off the table (as it were). But it all feels so extraordinarily blah. At the end of the day, the tomb is still empty, but I miss being able to celebrate properly.
Our church is going to Facebook live the Maundy Thursday service. Maybe that will help? Who knows.
We're three days in on Ritalin for youngest and it's rather amazing the difference. He's able to focus (and yes, I realize that's the point, but there was skepticism) so much better. Do I think we probably need a little more? Yes. But even if we don't go up, just being here is SO MUCH BETTER. (As in, the boy can read. I've suspected this because we have been working on it quite a lot, but it was always a struggle akin to pulling hen's teeth. Today? He zipped through without really any hiccups.)
More than that, you can tell HE likes how he feels/is with the medicinal help. This morning (because we have a roughly 8 hour version for now and since it wore off with a vengeance yesterday, we decided to wait until 9 to give it in hopes of getting through more of the day with calm and focus) he asked if he could take his medicine. He was fine when I said I wanted to wait a bit, but I like the fact that he even feels better while on it.
Speaking of youngest, his speech therapist called and they're going to be doing tele-therapy (via Zoom, of course) and did I want to try it. Sure, why not? Of course I agreed to that before I brought in the mail and found a pile of bills and insurance statements that all seem to suggest that insurance is not, actually, covering his therapy? Because why would it? So many phone calls in my future, and I just don't want to deal with it. I miss the days when having insurance meant you paid your copay and things worked.
19 hours ago
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