
Collecting up shoes


Today was the sister's repeat PET scan since the one in May (90 days post treatment) did not look like what it should. There was some diminishment in May, so they were hoping it was just residual evacuating/dying cancer cells and that today's would show a clean bill of health.

Not so much.

If you set today's image next to the one from October (pre-treatment of any sort) they're virtually impossible to distinguish. If anything, today's looks a little bigger and brighter (brighter being activity, to my understanding.)

So yay.

The official chat with the oncologist is Thursday and I suppose there's a 0.00000001% chance he'll be able to say oh no, you're reading it wrong.

But mostly none of us believe it.

There are possible options, but none are good. The treatment in the fall/winter was always billed as "everything and the kitchen sink" - so what's left are "well, you're dying anyway we might as well try this" type options.

She thinks 18 months on the outside based on her research.

I guess we'll see what the doc says, but honestly, 2020 can suck it.

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