Dear Murphy,
I know I have been a long-time citizen of Murphy-land, Murphy-ville, or whatever we're calling this wretched place these days. However, today I am officially renouncing my citizenship in your vast land and ask that I immediately be removed from the rolls of those who must obey your particularly onerous laws.
Primarily it's this law that has pushed me over the edge: Whatever can go wrong, will. Twice.
Seriously. What prompted you to pass this law? I have followed it, to the letter, any time I've been in an important situation, and watched with annoyance as others, those wretched scofflaws, fly through life with nary a care for this most important rule. Well today, as I was sitting in front of THE big wig - you know who I mean - and it came to pass that the server on which my code resides, you know, the code I was demoing to said big wig, had been taken down for "routine maintenance" without notifying anyone that this was going to be done, I decided I had had enough.
Thus, I am handing in my passport, selling off all real estate (and all surreal estate, cause I have a lot of that too), and moving from your domain. Please understand that while I harbor no ill will for you personally, I will be forced to get a restraining order if you continue to plague me with your laws now that I am no longer part of your constituency.
18 hours ago
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