I'm a not-so-closet CSI fan. I watch (and enjoy) all three versions of them. Each one has a different appeal. But lately I've been starting to have issues with each of them and I wonder if my CSI-watching days are numbered. It's sad, because they're a fun little escape but I'm beginning to feel like I'm wasting time (rather than spending it doign something fluffy) when I watch and that's not good.
The original incarnation (Las Vegas) is gritty and seedy and just smacks of the underbelly of Vegas that's there if you look hard enough while you're visiting. It also seems to be grasping desperately at plot lines to try and keep things interesting. Sometimes with success. Other times...not so much (at least for me). Honestly, the more controversial their plotline, the less likely I am to actually like the episdoe. In part, certainly, because of how they try to normalize people who participate in fringe behaviors. But also because, in all honesty, I think the writers figure "Hey, it's a controversial subject so people will watch anyway and we don't need to bring our a-game." Realistically, they're probably right. But it's gotten to the point that I look at the info before I do more than watch the episode on fast forward, with little stops here and there to hear some dialog (sometimes I'll end up going back and watching the whole thing if it catches my interest, but that's rare.) But let me ask you this - what's up with Nick? Ever since his near-death two part episode, he hasn't been the same. Except that it's not angst written in to his character, they took care of that within like three episodes. No. It's him. First, he's supposed to be some of the primary man-candy and yet, he's getting chubby. (Yes, yes, glass houses and stones, I realize. But I'm not on TV.) And then the critical issue: what's up with his hair? First he did this whole "a guinea pig died on my head" look. Now he's got stubble the same length all over his head. It's not a high and tight. It's not any kind of military haircut - unless you count the initial "You're in basic now and we're going to scalp you for 8 weeks" hair cut. It looks a lot like that. Combined with slightly chubby face? Just not flattering. All the other characters seem to be turning into charicatures of themselves. Sad.
Then there's New York. I love the New York feel - and it really is different than Law & Order, though you could see the CSI cast working with the L&O folks pretty easily. But Stella. Stella is just the drama queen, it would seem. First there's the whole boyfriend incident. Now this latest issue (I'll not name it in case you didn't see last week's episode). When's the girl gonna catch a break. And, well, speaking of drama - I get that Montana chick is preggo in real life, but couldn't they have gotten her off the show for a bit without the whole "I'm a victim having flashbacks thing"? Cause seriously, the actress wasn't up to portraying that level of drama. I think she might have been able to pull off like "sick mom" or something equally un-angsty. And at the end of the day - does anyone miss her now that she's not here? Cause I haven't noticed that she's gone, it's not like she was a really critical piece of the cast.
And finally Miami. I'll go ahead and admit it...I like Horatio. He's ridiculous, and talk about a charicature of yourself, but in Miami with the superbright colors and fast lane camera swoops, he works. And of the three, Miami has the best "science montages". (You know, where they have the cool music and you see the DNA processing or fingerprint searching or what have you with all the fun camera cuts and screen swipes. I always holler to Tim (who doesn't watch the shows) "Science Montage!" and he'll come and watch them, cause hey, they're fun.) Anyway...was anyone else kinda hoping that Delco was gonna leave the show? But now they've made him this little hopeless puppydog and you can't root for him to leave, cause it's like kicking him when he's down. Also, has anyone else noticed that Callie is wearing black this season (vs. last season when all she wore was white?) It's much better. I just don't think white pants are flattering on anyone in the first place, but at a crime scene? Feh. Oh and Boa Vista stinks. I wish she'd go back to the DNA lab so we'd have reduced exposure again.
So is this just me or are the CSI shows starting to feel, well, old?
5 days ago
Yeah, it's feeling old. Makes me sad to admit it.
ReplyDeleteI find that I enjoy the repeats of CSI:LV on Spike better than some of the newer episodes and I've seen them dozens of times.
what Jen said. Although I am enjoying the "miniature killer" arc on the LV show this season.
ReplyDeleteJen, the repeats are pretty good - they just seemed more solid as an ensemble before the angst ridden plots took hold.
ReplyDeleteCtg - that's a well brought up caveat, because the miniature killer bits are very interesting and I really like the eppies when those are going on. I was bummed when they solved it so fast and was very excited last week. :)