And the feeling is on the its way to being mutual. First off...why is it that every time I open the stupid program there's a new version? Do they manage to keep any version of iTunes for more than, say, two weeks? (Granted, ok, I don't open iTunes all that often, reference previous two week comment - that's about right. But seriously, who upgrades that often?)
Secondly, and this is kind of tied into the firstly, why is it that when I do upgrade certain music of mine mysteriously goes missing from my library? And consequently from my iPod. So then when I'm sitting at work trying to prostheletize for the Flaming Lips I suddenly find that I have no Flaming Lips anywhere on said iPod. And thereby look like a complete dork. (Well, even more like a complete dork.)
Is this a user error? Cause seriously, if you can tell me how to get the stupid thing to stop making me go back through my enormous library of (legal) mp3s and customize my iPod library to reflect the things that I'm willing to listen to over and over (i.e. when I use the not-so-random feature of my iPod), I will be eternally grateful. And if it's just me? Then I know that it's just a true statement...iTunes hates me.
Since Microsoft already hates me most days, does the fact that I've somehow managed to tick off Apple indicate that computers might not be the best choice of careers for me?
11 hours ago
I get the prompt to upgrade iTunes everytime I open it, but everytime I approve the upgrade nothing happens.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, but not having anything happen I haven't lost any music...
Jaynee, I think that might be even more frustrating -- at least when I upgrade I can tell something happens. :) Though I really could do without the whole "losing my music" thing. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteI know I'm not viewed as an objective observer here, but Apple doesn't issue gratuitous software upgrades, especially for iTunes. The new versions incorporate new features, either in the software itself or in the iTunes Store to which it is inextricably tied. One example is the recent agreement of EMI to issue its music via the Store sans DRM, a move that was greeted with almost universal acclaim, but which also required an update to iTunes. Another example is the "complete your album" feature that allows you to buy the rest of the songs on partial albums without paying for the entire album. Digital media is a quickly changing landscape, and Apple is either reacting, or -- more often -- initiating or facilitating those changes.
ReplyDeleteHowever, the disappearing music has me scratching my head. I haven't encountered that, either.
Eric, I was hoping you'd chime in. Though you said about what I figured you'd say, it's still good to have that confirmed. :) But couldn't they just space out their upgrades a 1 a month or something? I just got a notice yesterday that there was a new upgrade when I just upgraded on the 14th...that's just too many!
ReplyDeleteAaannnnddd...I'd really like them to provide an option for people who have an iPod and are thereby forced into using iTunes but otherwise do not use it to not have to muck about with all the crud for the iTunes Store etc. Cause seriously, if there was some other way for my iPod to get music on it, I'd use that and rid myself of iTunes all together.
I guess it's worth pointing out that none of these updates are required. If you don't want to update iTunes, don't do it. Your pod and current version of the software will still work just fine, especially if you don't need the latest iTunes Store features.
ReplyDeleteI'll sometimes skip several generations of updates on my desktop computer, because I rarely use iTunes on it, although I do try to keep my laptop updated. But, again, it's for the added functionality.
My prediction is that the updates are going to continue to increase in frequency, as iTV and the iPhone mature and come onto the market, respectively. Apple's got a strategy for integrating all of its media devices and I can't help thinking that iTunes is an integral part of that strategy.
Well, that's true. And half the time I skip them and upgrade later - though maybe that's why I start losing files?
ReplyDeleteKinda seems like iTunes is Apple's version of IE.
I've never had the disappearing tunes problem either. I'm with you on the updates - I'm tempted to ask it not to check for them but them I'm worried I'll miss out on something cool hehe.
ReplyDeleteRach, I get the not wanting to miss out feelign too...of course, I curse myself when my files go awol. :)