

I have to admit, I've got a lot of anxiety these days. That's probably 99% of the lack of posting around here - I don't see the point, really, in getting into it, because it isn't going to make me less anxious. Still, maybe it'll help to some degree. So, in no particular order, I present to you the things about which I am currently fretting:

  • The little one eats nowhere near what an unscientific poll of my (admittedly limited) group of mommy friends' kids ate at his age. Coupling this with the fact that he is a little low in weight (per the doctor) has got me trying to figure out how to make him eat more. But you really can't make a baby eat if they don't want to...so that isn't going well. I'm trying to remember that babies eat what they need and then stop, so he's fine. He's fine. I just repeat that over and over. Sometimes it helps.
  • The dog appears to really dislike the baby. I'm not sure what to do about this, but the grring has gotten worse and more pronounced and she's less likely to just walk away (like she used to) now that he's mobile. It stresses me out to a large degree and I've tried all the tricks I know to try and it only actually seems to be getting worse. I don't want to give the dog away, but I'm worried that that may end up having to happen.
  • Tim has been incredibly stressed at work for the last 6 weeks. It's coming home and stressing me out as well. Hopefully that will end this week (this is the last deadline for the foreseeable future) because I really need him to be able to help with the first two bullets...but right now his stress quotient is full.
  • The election. Sufficient to say that I don't understand how people consider voting for a man who doesn't believe that newborns deserve to live and be given safe haven. Because every other policy will eventually be shaped by that lack of respect for life overall (vs. life of whatever class of people deemed deserving at the time.) I was thinking up something very similar to this on Friday but never got around to typing it up - go read it, it's worth a few minutes of your time even if you decide you disagree.
  • My degree. Just...ugh. I need to get back to work with it....but I'm so disheartened that it's tough to drum up the energy. In my mind, the scenario will go as it has previously, I will work my tail off and get something in to my advisor. He'll pooh-pooh it and send it back with scathing negative comments and not a drop of good (honestly, would it be so hard for him to pick one cherry amongst the lemons?) and I'll sit paralyzed for months trying to revise the thing, again.
I'm trying to remember and focus on this: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." (Phil. 4:6) -- but I'd give myself about a 2 on a sale of 10 in actually succeeding.


  1. Don't worry about the kidlet and eating. My daughter ate like a bird, and was always underweight. Still is. But she's happy and perky, and she would rather graze all day long than eat a human amount at a meal. Just the way she is. Don't stress. As long as he's happy, you're fine.

  2. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Ditto on feeding the boy-o. All comparisons are odious.

  3. I've decided that comparisons are stressful but difficult to avoid. I'm sure he's eating what he needs. Just don't give in to that temptation to feed him junk food just because he'll eat it and he'll be just fine.

  4. Thanks, guys.

    Gwynne, the closest I get to junk food are goldfish...and they're the whole wheat ones at that, so thus far I've avoided it.
