I was going to play around with the Fiction Friday prompt today - and I might still - but really, it's not all that exciting to me. You're to start your story during a religious ceremony. I had one snarky idea that I may follow up on, but beyond that, well, not so inspiring right now. That could be because it's so cold I can't feel my toes. (Ok, fine, slight exaggeration, but my feet really are quite cold, despite two pair of socks and slippers.)
I've started on a pair of crocheted fingerless gloves for my sister (she brought me the pattern and the yarn and said, "I must have these!" and since I'm currently between crochet projects at the moment, I figured why not?) They use thread instead of yarn and I'd forgotten how much I dislike crocheting with thread. Doilies and such are just not my forte - I can do it, but keeping the gauge right is next to impossible for me. As it is, the gauge is fine, but the wrists the pattern was written for belong to an anorexic two year old. I'm thinking that blocking will make them reasonable (hoping, at least) but for now I keep looking at them and wondering if I counted stitches right at the start. (I did. I checked.) I may have to make another set with slightly larger thread (sock yarn maybe?) if they're really going to be wearable.
My sister also gave me a pattern for a little crocheted elephant. I got the yarn for that yesterday cause it's just too cute not to have one. Plus, the kiddo really like elephants so...he needs one.
I have to go to my GP this afternoon for a checkup. She apparently likes to see her patients twice a year. I'm not clear on why, but I like her so I'm not going to rock the boat. Yet. It may depend on how long I sit in her waiting room. It usually averages somewhere around an hour...but maybe I can finish the first glove while I sit. I would be all excited about the 30 pounds I've lost since I was there in the summer, except I suspect with clothes and such it won't actually look like I've lost any weight - that's my typical fate with doctor office scales. They never match my home scale. I think they add ten pounds at the get go just to make you feel bad about yourself, let alone the 5 from your clothes and the fact that you've eaten lunch and so forth. On the other hand, the main reason I like this doctor is that she herself is overweight so she doesn't lecture about such things like most others do (consequently I don't dread the visit and sit there fretting the whole time in the waiting room so in turn don't end up looking like I have high blood pressure. White coat syndrome? Why yes, thank you.)
My aunt and uncle are in town this weekend, so they'll be over for supper tomorrow night. Not sure what else the weekend holds, though I'm hoping for some sleep in there somewhere.
1 day ago
I'd be excited about 30 pounds no matter what her scale said.