This afternoon, the kiddo and I headed out to the local library to meet a friend and her kiddos. The oldest of her kids is going into the 3rd grade and thus eligible for extra credit for doing the summer reading program, so the point of the outing was to get her signed up. I figured that having been talking about getting a library card for going on 10 years now maybe it was time to follow through.
We got there a little early and I got my card (less painful than I figured it would be, honestly - they have all this mumbo-jumbo on the website about having to prove your residency etc. and nowhere on there does it say that a driver's license with a county address on it will do, when in fact, it will.) And then we found our friends and wandered about with them for a bit before it came up that the kiddo is, in fact, old enough to participate in the program as well. In fact, the program guidelines start at age 0. (Honestly, I found that rather amusing, but as the kiddo is mad for books...where does he get that, I wonder? I also figured, why not? I have this shiny new library card, let's take it for a spin.)
So we wandered through the picture books and easy reader section and picked out 7 books we don't have at home and that will start us off. Plus we got a coupon for a free kids meal at IHOP, which is always a winner.
On my end, I just finished printing out 30 new research papers for my start to the summer reading. I'm trying to truck through my next whack at the review of literature and honestly, I hated doing the first one on a topic I actually was interested in. Doing a second one all the while grumbling to myself that a) I shouldn't have to do this twice and b) I don't really care overly about the topic (though I will grudgingly say it's interesting, it's just not what I wanted to do...on the other hand, I want to graduate so...let's get a move on) is likely to be less than scintillating. But I figure I can sit in a lawn chair in the shade and read while watching the kiddo splash in his various water and sand tables and otherwise run around madly.'ll do.
And when that's all said and done, I fully intend to find something delicious to read just for fun.
Tim says that he's going to finally finish the Stephen King series (Dark Tower) that he started how many years ago this summer. I'm guessing he might just actually finish one of the books. (He doesn't inhale the written word like I do.) (I actually suspect that somewhere between our two extremes is the better place to live.)
23 hours ago
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