This is a cute little story of two friends (the dragon and the turtle) who are pretending to be on Safari while camping out in their back yard. During their night, they imagine many interactions with initially scary animals who turn out to be friendly and, by encouraging one another, manage to make it through the whole night without having to give up on their adventure.
I had hoped that my son would enjoy this book - he's 3 and just starting the scared of everything phase. Unfortunately, he was decidedly uninterested in the story. I tried reading it to him four times before giving up and just finishing it myself. I thought it was cute, but he found it a little too "talky". (Meaning they just sit there and talk back and forth and nothing really actually happens.) So older kids who can read it themselves might enjoy it, but, at least in our family, it's not working as a read aloud picture book. I'll tuck it away for another year and see if he's more interested when he's a bit older.
This book was received free for review by Waterbook Publishing.
19 hours ago
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