
A Memorial Day Rant of Sorts

So, this weekend is Memorial Day weekend. I know for a lot of folks, this brings pool openings and barbecues immediately to mind. Maybe a good sale. This is because for years, that is what we've been indoctrinated to think. Memorial Day = the start of summer

Of course, that's not what Memorial Day is meant to be. I think, at some level, everyone understands that Memorial Day is the day to remember those who gave their lives defending our freedom. (Unlike Labor Day that I think most people generally have no clue what it's for. I, myself, mostly just think of a quote from Real Genius on Labor Day.) Would it be nice if everyone took a moment to be grateful? Yes. Is it likely? Probably not.

Here begins the rant:

Just because you know what Memorial Day IS and what it ISN'T, doesn't mean that you should take it upon yourself to condescendingly school people on your social media platform of choice. There really is nothing wrong with having a barbecue on a three day weekend. Honestly. I promise.

And yet, the fake book is FULL of posts about with these two helpful Memorial Day tips:

  • Don't say thank you to veterans on Memorial Day! (Really? There is now, officially, one day when it's NOT okay to thank a veteran. Got it. Good to know.) After all, Veterans get their day in November. Only one day, you thanking loser.
  • Don't say happy Memorial Day because it's not happy. Okay, sure, I get that. You don't say "Have a nice day" at a funeral, either. And yet...can we not see behind the somewhat inept words to the heart of someone wishing you well on a holiday? Because like it or not, Memorial Day is still a three-day weekend.

Frankly, every time I see someone posting these handy rules I want to kick them. Do what you want for Memorial Day. If you have loved ones you've lost, go visit the cemetery and honor their memories. But you know what? If all you want to do is grill some burgers and open up the pool? Do that. I'll be over here mentally thanking all the veterans and being grateful that they're not one of those who should be officially honored this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Robbo the Port Swiller2:14 PM

    Thanks for unlocking the door!

    What I was going to say was that I agree with you.

