
It's Never as Simplistic as You Want to Make It

With all the recent extreme abortion legislation flying around lately, it's been fascinating to watch the political posturing on Facesplat from the pro-abortion 'scuse me, "pro-choice" crowd and how they like to do flying leaps a la some kind of WWE champion onto the unsuspecting who dares to express an honest desire to do more to help stop this kind of madness from becoming the law of the land.

The most egregious of these came in the form of this oh-so-helpful list posted in the comments one one friend's "Hey, how can I get involved in supporting pro-life things" posts.

Let me walk you through why this is unhelpful.

Suggestions from the pro-abortion pro-choice about how to help:

  • Fight for access to affordable, available birth control options.

There is a fail-safe, 100% free birth control option available to EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the world. It's called abstinence. It's a simple concept: don't have sex unless you're ready to entertain the possibility of procreation. Yes, yes, that's old fashioned and unrealistic. Except it isn't. It does require a return to valuing marriage and choosing to see sex as a scared covenant created by God for use inside of the marriage covenant. Which means undoing years of the pro-choice feminist lobby to convince everyone that free sex is awesome and can be had with no strings.  And of course, no one wants to let go of that brainwashing.

So let's push that aside. I'm pretty sure schools give out condoms still. They did when I was in school and that was a million years ago. There are easy ways to look up online how to understand your body as a woman and pinpoint the, let's say five to be generous, days each month when you're actually fertile (of course that implies that you can manage to abstain for a short period of time each month so maybe that's horrible of me to suggest?) Bonus: knowing how your body works and what the signs of that working are can tell you even more than how not to get pregnant. Let's teach THAT to girls who are getting ready to start their cycles for the first time.

Beyond that? Birth control isn't all that expensive unless you're sneaking around and not wanting to use your parents' insurance to get it. Isn't it also included with Obamacare? So with that, doesn't everyone have access to this if they want it? Thus? This is a moot point and all you're doing when you're saying it is that you consider killing babies an acceptable form of birth control.

Abortion is not birth control. It's killing a child. If we've gotten to the point as a culture that we are seriously trying to convince men and women that murder is a means of family planning, we have failed more than is probably recoverable.

  • Support science-based, thorough sex ed.
So here's another jab against abstinence education. But hey, I can scientifically prove to you that if you never have sex, you will not get pregnant. And if you want to include the scientifically based natural family planning methods that I mentioned above? Heck yeah, do it. Girls should know how to chart their temperatures to understand what their bodies are doing before, during, and after ovulation. They should know how their bodies produce varying levels of fluid based on what's happening with their hormonal fluctuations. All of that? Science.

You know what's not science? "This is a clump of cells not a person." Cause 12 days in it's got a beating heart. Show me a clump of cells with a beating heart that, were it not human, would NOT be classified as a living being by science.

I'm all for science based sex ed, but let's go ahead and make sure it's actually that, not some propaganda to push abortion as health care.

  • Adopt
Sure. Cause it's that easy. Just take yourself on down to the adoption store and get yourself another child. There are more couples willing to adopt--particular if we're talking newborns--than there are babies available. There are people willing to adopt from foster care, too. But there are a lot of kids in foster care whose biological parents won't release them for adoption. And the foster care system (you could argue that it's correct) seeks reunification above all else. They want these kids to go back to the biological family whenever possible. If the biological parents aren't going to step up, they need to relinquish parental rights immediately and let their children be adopted, not dick around with the foster system, dragging out the process until the courts are forced to sever and the kids are close to aging out anyway. There are a lot of men who won't let their babymama choose adoption and force her to either parent or abort (and then generally they aren't there paying child support for 18 years like they ought to, nor are they stepping up to marry the woman and make a family.)

Pro-life Christians are standing on the sidelines willing and waiting to adopt. Our culture has attached more stigma to adoption than to any other choice a young woman can make today. You want pro-life Christians to adopt? Then you - the pro-abortion talking heads - need to be willing to tell women that hey, here's another option, have you considered it? There's nothing wrong with making that choice and it's actually better for your body than terminating a pregnancy. (But of course, they don't want to talk about the harm abortion does to the woman's body. Because they're all about safe and legal.)

  • Treat mothers and post-abortive women with the same love you have for their babies and destigmatize being an unwed mother.
Honestly? I don't know what circles this poster hangs out in, but it's clearly not the pro-life Christian circles I'm in. Because we do all of that. More than all of that. Yeah, it's a great talking point to say "Oh, they're going to shame you. Blah blah blah." No we aren't. No we don't. Go to a pregnancy resource center and I can pretty much guarantee you they're going to help you learn how to be a better parent, help you get diapers and clothes and cribs and affordable childcare so you can work. Because that's what they do. It's never been about saving a baby and dumping the mother. Ever.

  • Hold men accountable
You know the best way to do this? Don't make abortion cheap and easy.

Also? Circle back to that stuff above about marriage and family mattering.

There were a few more points after that, but they weren't specific to anything pro-life so much as it was a liberal platform for government-provided everything.

It's fun to post stuff like this and act like you're being kind and caring for fighting for abortion, because look how easy it is and you pro-lifers just don't step up. But the thing is, we do. We are. We will.

If you truly want to make a life-affirming choice and give birth to your child? There are people who want to help you do that and make the best choice for you and the child going forward. Because that best choice is never going to be death for the child and the physical and emotional trauma of that death for the woman.

1 comment:

  1. Well said! (If I've done nothing else right as a father, I have at least raised all my daughters to be staunchly pro-life, using most of these arguments repeatedly myself.)
