So Ravelry (a website where I tend to go for crochet and knitting patterns -- and seriously, that's the only reason I'm ever over there. Or, well, why I would have been over there in the past because I'll be doing my darndest to shop elsewhere now.) decided that supporting Trump is equal to being a white supremacist and has now banned anything having to do with Trump support from their site.
This is the site where the ridiculous pink cat hats came from. So overtly anti-conservative things are all still well and good.
Frankly, in my mind, a crafting site ought to be politics free - it's crafts, but they wanted discussion forums so whatever. And if someone wants to make a Trump 2020 knitted something or other and share the pattern, well, I'm not really sure how that hurts anyone (just like the pink hats don't. You want to help people knit ridiculous, politically charged cat hats, have at it. I'm just looking for scarves.)
Trump has his faults. No question. I don't particularly care for him as a person (at least based on what I know of him as a person) -- but if the Bill Clinton presidency taught me ANYTHING it was that a president can be a rapist and murderer so long as he's doing his job. (Because please, Lewinsky didn't consent. There was no possible way in the given situation that it was anything other than an abuse of power.) But the mantra then was "a person's personal life has nothing to do with his ability to be president." So okay, fine, a president can be a douche. Got it. I will now expect you to apply that across the board.
I kid, I kid.
Of course a conservative president isn't held to the same standards the left cries for when it's their own in office.
My bad.
And so we see the cycle of "Oh, I only meant that when it applied to liberals" in full force over on Ravelry. And part of me wonders just how long it will be before anyone who doesn't toe the liberal line is lined up against the wall and shot. Because honestly, if a knitting pattern site cares this deeply that they're going to censor? What's next?
Michelle Malkin has a good piece up on the whole shebang.
Anyway, as I did with Target years ago when they decided you just had to feel like a woman to go into the women's restroom, I'll be stopping use of Ravelry. I know my lone act of defiance means exactly nothing in the overall scheme of things - but it's all I can do. (I don't miss Target all that much, and when I hear from friends about the enormous section of gay pride apparel they had out this month, I remember that I really don't miss it all. I mean if people want to be gay, be gay. Just don't force me to have your opinion about it. That's where I get annoyed.)
I'll be over here -- a white conservative, knitting.
1 day ago
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