This morning, upon the discovery that it was gorgeous out and likely to stay that way, Hubby set about loading all the bikes into the back of the van. I scoffed, somewhat, at this idea because I did not have any expectation that he'd be able to get them all inside. I figured we'd have to see if we could 1) find and 2) figure out how to attach the bike rack.
But go him - he managed it. (It helped that 2 bikes have quick release for their tires, so he could take off the front wheels, and he had a tool that allowed him to fold the handlebars on my bike so they weren't so high up in the air.)
We also loaded up the dog and the bike trailer, because really, why shouldn't the Sleepy Puppy get some fresh air too?
So we headed south a bit to the nearby national park, which has a 3 mile stretch that they've made one way for cars and then split the other side into bi-directional foot/bike path.
I didn't anticipate that we'd do the whole thing, but the boys were raring to go and so we did. 6 miles.
Keep in mind that other than last week when I took my new bike out for a spin in the cul-de-sac I haven't been on a bike in years and, well, I'm glad I didn't die.
I am old and out of shape.
But it was a gorgeous day. The boys had a blast, as did Mom and Dad. And the puppy enjoyed being toted around in his carriage (though there were a few brazen squirrels that darted across his line of sight and he was very unhappy that he couldn't go after them, being buckled into his chariot.)
It looks like the good weather is supposed to hold for several more days (touch wood), so we've made plans to go back to the park with friends on Monday for a short hike and a picnic.
2 days ago
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