Youngest adores riding his bike. To the point that if "professional bike rider" was a thing, I would encourage him toward said career.
Every day (most usually at the peak of the heat because that's when we have a break from whatever else it is we're doing), he begs to go out and ride bikes.
Most days I suck it up and take him out, even though I loathe the heat and humidity. I feel like it's something worth encouraging.
Youngest is now riding the bike we bought eldest when he turned 8. Which means that eldest is now riding what used to be my mountain bike. Given that he's only about 4 inches shorter than me these days, it's a good enough fit and he is thrilled to have an adult bike. Hubby still has has bike (and we recently got the tire fixed so that he could join us on our jaunts when he was of a mind to.) But all this has left me bikeless.
I remedied that situation last week at Walmart for the reasonably low price of $150. It's not a world class bike or anything, but it has two wheels, pedals, and 7 gears. So really, I'm not sure what more I'd need.
This evening, after listening to youngest ask hubby to ride bikes and hubby responding with "Let's go look at the thermometer." for well over two hours, I finally said, "You know what? I'll take you out."
"But I want daddy."
"Well, you have to decide daddy or bikes, because it doesn't sound like dad's going out in the heat."
Deep thinking.
"Oh! I know! You can ride your new bike with me!"
Yes, dearest, that was my thought too.
So we put on shoes and helmets and wandered out into the swelter. First up, let me just be on record as grumping about the fact that I rode my bike my entire life without a helmet and have been just fine. But monkey see and so forth...we all have helmets.
I'm pleased to say the new bike works just as a bike should and I'm anticipating many lovely afternoons spent pedaling up and down our street with the boys. If I'm riding, it means the pup will have to stay in the yard or house, but really, he mostly just wants to go out and sniff the hydrant before plopping in the shade somewhere anyway, so...such it goes.
2 days ago
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