Today is eldest's 12th birthday.
Rather than the rather weepy, tempus fugit filled eloquence I was planning to put up here (because OH MY WORD HOW DID HE GET TO BE 12???), I spent the bulk of the day at the hospital with my sister.
Who has massive pulmonary embolisms.
The doctors are throwing around words like "clot load" and "extreme" and other generally unpleasant terms when one is talking about things that restrict blood flow to the lungs and, oh yes, are causing her heart to malfunction.
Good times, good times.
They were waiting the bulk of the time I was there (from roughly noon until 5:30) for the dude who does echos to come and echo her legs. He finally showed up while I was driving home and there are multiple DVTs as well. (That's deep vein thromboses for the uninitiated.)
Because of course she does.
So at this point, they're keeping her through Monday and are waiting to see what the heparin can do. They've been talking all day about thrombolysis but are going to take the wait and see approach. If her lower blood pressure number continues to drop, they'll do it, but for now it's holding at 62.
2020 is officially on notice.
1 day ago
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