
Corona Madness

Good. Lord.

I don't get the toilet paper thing. It's like a snow storm where people buy bread, milk, and TP. Why? It's ridiculous - like the lizard brain takes over and suddenly people think the most important thing in the universe is being able to wipe their butts. As opposed to, I don't know, eat something other than bread and milk for a few days?


Of course, as I type that, I'm also pulling for my church to do the right thing and cancel Awana. Not because I want to join in the cancellation madness, but because we have a track record of people bringing sick kids to club ("Oh, it's just allergies. I know he's warm, but I'm sure he's fine." Um no. Allergies don't have a fever. Your kid has strep. Or the flu. Go home.) Because two child free hours is a big draw for a lot of the folks who attend. I'm annoyed by this on a regular basis during flu season, adding in an unknown(ish) flu on top of it? Yeah no. Plus, a lot of our volunteers are older and need to be limiting their exposure.

They did just send out an email. It was, hands down, the most management email I've read since I quit working full time. A solid page of words that said absolutely nothing but were designed to look as if they were saying something.

At the end of the day, they're planning to hold services tonight and tomorrow as usual and other activities will be cancelled on a "case by case basis." When and by whom? Seriously. Stupid. Just make a stand and stand by it.

Is the rash of cancellations perhaps too much? Yeah, I'd go with that. Do I want another Spanish Influenza? Nope, not so much. (And I do roll my eyes that this one gets it's "official name" from the science because initial origin naming is racist. Whatevs.)

We've been home from Disney for 7 days now. So another 7-14 til we find out if we got it there. I'm not super worried, but because there is the potential, we're sticking closeish to home (but still going to our appointments because we don't know we were exposed. But we were at Disney. With a whole bunch of people.)

The most infuriating meme though? The one that says all the fighting over TP should mean you never question a refugee fleeing their country. Um what now? First off, hoarding TP (or cleaners or whatever) is ridiculous and irrational. So if the hoarders are equated to the refugees then...refugees are ridiculous and irrational? Or they're not willing to act rationally and trust the system? (I mean kinda? There is an immigration system for legally coming as a refugee that they're circumventing and making it harder for the people who DO trust the system. Just like TP hoarders are making it harder for people who are using a measured, rational response but still, somehow, would like to wipe after pooping. And maybe now the meme does make sense. Just not in the way the originator planned.)

Anyway. Go forth and wash your hands. And maybe if it's been a while since you did, wipe down your electronics and other frequently touched surfaces. Just because cleaning is never a bad idea.

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