
Well, that was an adventure*

I wish I could say I had fascinating and fun reasons for dropping off the face of the Earth, but alas. There are none.

Thanksgiving came and went. It was a laidback day. Dad came for lunch (when we typically do our big meal) and pretty much left immediately thereafter. 

We decked the halls and the front yard. And honestly, our front yard is a leeetle on the Griswold side these days, but the kids love it, so whatever. I don't mind it, though in a perfect world we'd just have candles and wreaths in the windows. (We'd also have white lights on the tree and my blown glass Victorian ornaments instead of the blinking colored lights and the hodge-podge mishmash that's hanging.) (I don't really mind, it's the joy of Christmas with kids. And really, I'd rather have the kids and decorations I'm not in love with than a perfect tree and no boys.)

We headed down to the tidewater to visit hubby's parents. Got a bellyful of "why don't you come down more often?" (Amazingly the reminder that it was a solid three hours each way was not enough reason for them.) It was, by and large, a reasonably pleasant visit, but I'm glad it's done and we don't have to do it all for another while. Father-in-law tried, at the end, to embark on a conversation about how "we spent so many years at odds because of miscommunication" and I shut it down probably too abruptly. But I'm just kind of done. Yes, it was nice that the man apologized for hating me for the last 27 years and for trying to talk hubby out of marrying me because of said hatred (for which he can't give an explanation beyond the fact that I have opinions and am not looking for a fainting couch every five minutes). Hubby has dismissed my comments surrounding my thoughts that my inlaws disliked me, so the apology did garner him a smug look of "I told you so." But also? I don't feel like we need any more discussion. He apologized. I accepted. But at this point? Our relationship is what it is.

Sister has decided to come back to Virginia for Christmas, so that will be lovely. Eldest saw where I'd written her arrival on the family whiteboard and said, "Wait? You mean La La?" Upon confirmation he was quite excited. I think both boys had firmly anticipated (as had I, to be honest) that once she moved to California that would be the last time we saw her. But she's hanging in and this fits within her treatment so it's a lovely thing. Dad's pretty psyched as well.

I've also finally found a psychiatrist to work with for ADHD boy. It's been a jolly old time (not) finding someone who is doing in-person appointments and also taking new patients. We'll have to truck up to Fairfax, but worse things have happened. And of course we can't start anything until January and they're out of network etc etc but again. Not virtual and taking new patients = Unicorn.

Christmas missives have been mailed. I feel like I ought to just admit that our low tide school has completely bottomed out and not even pretend I'm trying, but ...I can't quite get all the way there. But it's all right. We'll muddle through to the end of the year.

*spot the quote

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