
Monday after DST Random

The brain can't handle a lot right now because reasons, but there are always random things rattling around.

  • Certain Doom - also known as the installation of brackets and wires in the mouth of the eldest - commences tomorrow. Having had braces three times in my life, twice as an adult, I really don't have a lot of sympathy as they were never terrible for me. And the end result is worth it. But I've stocked up on liquid Tylenol just in case (because that boy can't swallow pills. It's crazy.)
  • Sleepy Pup heads off for his annual wellness check this afternoon. We're meant to bring along a "sample" but this time their instructions were that it be no more than 4 hours old. Had I known that prior to making the appointment I probably would have made it earlier in the day as he tends to go first thing (which is usually around 7 but today was at 6) and no matter how I add four to that, I don't get close to our appointment time. Not sure what to do about that, to be honest. Perhaps I'll just admit I "forgot" and be done with it.
  • The Verizon FiOs guy is coming today to swap out our router and do some sort of Internet magic to speed things up because we have fancy people problems. Thankfully, hubby has opted to work from home to manage said appointment as I have the mental capacity of a gnat when it comes to the hardware that makes computers do their thing (program them? Sure. Network them? Nope.) and I'm sure there would be some question I can't answer. And if not, I'll just be honest and say I don't like dealing with people and am happy to pass that off when I can.
  • Speaking of dealing with people, we got roped into starting our small group back up for church. I am so excited. (Read that in a dread-filled monotone, if you will.) Hubs had to "advertise" at the front of the first two services yesterday and I can't decide whether or not it's wrong to pray for no one to want to come. We did, in fact, choose the time to try and edge out folks with small chillens. Last time we had small group at our house, we got up to about 8 couples and 22 kids of varied ages and...our house is not designed for that level of child-based mayhem.
  • Our dishwasher seems to be on its last legs. It stops after about 20 minutes and beeps annoyed complaints about a lack of water. There is no lack of water. The filter is clean. Best we can surmise is that 12 years is a goodish run for an appliance these days and it's time to consider our options. Blergh. It is amusing to hear hubby muttering under his breath, "Piece of crap. Not enough water my butt." At least I am not alone in becoming a curmudgeon.
  • There might have been more, but it's off to never never land. So maybe it'll come back for another scintillating episode of random some other day.


  1. On the braces front, do they still do headgear? I myself wore the headgear in my early teens back in the day but I don't see anyone with it anymore.

  2. It's funny, I joked with the orthodontist about that because hubs had it as well and had been teasing the boy about the possibility. Short answer is no, they don't do it anymore, unless, and I quote, "you dig up someone really old school."
