
Insert Pithy Title Here

Sister remains in the hospital. Very little has changed as I think I remember mentioning that her liver is tanking now too? (I am too lazy to go look, but I at least thought about saying same. If that counts at all.) There's a liver stone. They were unable to get through her stomach to remove it previously. And the attempt kicked off the bleeding again (from where? no one knows.)

Tomorrow, they're going to go in and try to force the stomach-to-intestine opening wider so their equipment can get through. The day after, if that works, they'll go after the liver stone as it's not resolving on its own. If they can get it taken care of, then she can come home and go on hospice.

Because that's where we are.

At this point, we're just praying for it the end to be quick and as painless as possible.

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