
I Like to Mow and I Cannot Lie

Today marked the first partial mow of the season. 

I saw partial because the hand-me-down riding mower has probably gone off to MowerHalla, but hubby is determined to try to fix it. He's muttering about solenoids and gas leaks and bobbers and other whatnots. But the point is that I had to use the electric walk-behind mower instead. (Do they still call them push mowers? It's self propelled, it's not a "push mower" - it's just not a riding mower.)

Honestly, I like it better anyway. There's something about the quiet hum of the engine and the smell of wild onions meeting their maker and the crunch of a stick that you didn't see in time to move. It's restful. To me, at least.

Regardless, I got the front done and one side of the house and a piece of the other side before the battery conked. Given that it's pushing 80 out there with very little breeze in our neck of the woods, that was enough for me in one go anyway. It was nearly two hours and, if my FitBit can be trusted, about 7,000 steps. I'll take it.

Of course, hubby is all, "You should make the kids do it."

And maybe. I guess.

But I like doing it. Doesn't that count for something? 

Regardless, I did make a chart of various lawncare items that will need to happen over the summer and their frequency and what I'd pay for their proper completion so that my money-hungry monsters have a chance to earn a little above and beyond their allowance. We'll see how it goes. They tend to tell me I don't offer to pay enough to make the work worthwhile. (Insert eye roll and mutter about kidz today here.)

I think my prices are reasonable. Are they less than we'd pay a professional? Yes, yes they are. Because my kids are not professionals.

Anyway, if they don't want to do them, I don't mind doing most of the things on there myself. So we shall see what happens. And if hubby manages to fix the riding mower, then I'll have to rejigger the list, because eldest could use it, certainly, and it reduces the blood, sweat, and tears enough that I'm not willing to pay as much as I would with the regular mower.

Because I'm a mean mom or something.

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