Late to the party reporting on the storm of the century -- but we did get just about 11" of snow over night Sunday and all day Monday.
No one here was complaining.
Of course, at the other house, we purchased a little corded snowblower that could handle our driveway and the piece of our pipestem that we were responsible for. It was fantastic if we got our usual inch or two and made clearing things much nicer.
Here at the new house, our driveway is about as long as two of the old pipestems. Which means we need every extension cord we can rustle up if we have any hope of making it to the street. And also it's just not tall enough to handle 11" (there's an off-color joke or two in there, but I'll resist.)
Anywho, the boys (all three) were very insistent about waiting for it all to fall prior to getting out there to try to clear. I suggested this was a big mistake, but was overruled.
I did actually go out and get started before it was all done, but it was basically already too late. Down where we are, it was a pretty wet snow, so shoveling was heavy and the snow blower would clog up (positive spin, it was great for snowmen and snowballs).
Long story short, it took two days for us to get all the way to the road in a swath wide enough for a car, and there are still some spots that you best keep moving on lest you get stuck and spin your tires (as the UPS man about that. Oops.) But most of it is in the sun, so even though we're hovering at freezing (or just below) it looks like God is clearing it up for us.
I told the hubs we needed to get a better blower. He's debating. On the one hand, this was a disaster. On the other, how often does this really happen? So it's a cost outlay vs use proposition for him right now.
Maybe I know what I'm getting him for Father's Day.
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