I have moved to graphland. Apparantly, the powers that be have decided that picture really is worth 1,000 words. And so I sit here at work on Saturday making pie charts and bar charts and whisker charts (boy those suck) and on and on for this report...that already has way more than 1,000 words. In fact, the current word count is: 47,390. Spread happily over 170 pages. We figure it'll be about twice that when we're done. Of course, a number of those pages will proudly bear my charts, graphs and other nonsense. On the positive side, management types will be able to understand part of it since it has pictures and their shrinking brains won't have to try and understand scary numbers.
In other fun news...I've decided it's probably ok to stream music when you're working on Saturday.
Beyond that, I have seen my husband probably for a total of 2 hours over the last 3 days. Hopefully this evening that number will go up some. I will be very glad when this iteration of this project is over. Hopefully rumors of extensions will come through (since that's more revenue) and they will be large enough extensions that we can, oh I don't know, PLAN things before we run off madly to get them done even though we don't know what we're trying to do. This "figure it out as we go along" theory is just not cool. I do understand a little better why my grad school professors all had their tongue firmly in cheek when they talked about how things should work in SWE. They knew that no one actually PRACTICES SWE.
Off I run. I really don't want to work a full 8 hour day on Saturday.
18 hours ago
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