You set your alarm the night before so you could get up an hour and ten minutes early, only to discover when it goes off in the morning that you really only set it ten minutes ahead. So now you have 30 minutes til your carpool arrives.
While leaving your house (and walking through the garage like you do every day) you run smack dead into the tennis ball hanging from the ceiling (for parking distance use). And it gets you right between the eyes.
On the way to work you see four women putting their makeup on while they drive. Not just lipstick (fairly easy to do) but actually pulling out brushes and eye shadow and liners. And one of them, when she finishes, pulls out a book and commences to read while driving -- flipping pages to find her place.
You get here early to fix what you thought broke, only to realize that you simply forgot to copy the format file into the distribution directory the last time you compiled. (While that does make me feel least it's working and I'm not rushing to get it to work before this demo at 10.)
Bring it on, Friday...apparantly you've got more in store.
For a little bit of an uplift - go read the Family Man's post today. It rocks.
19 hours ago
Thank you for continuing to visit my blog. I'm glad you enjoyed my post on Friday, and thank you very much for the plug!