I think it must be said. I'm clearly not an astute businesswoman. My reason for this is as follows: At our company, we currently have no contracts. We have submitted reams of proposals, and hope (certainly) to hear soon that we've been awarded something, but as of right now, there's no one footing any of the bills. We have roughly 10 software engineers, myself included, with basically nothing to do. We are also very top-heavy as far as management goes...last count I think we have 4 VPs (?) In this situation my inclination would be to work my tail off getting work.
It seems that the correct answer, however, is to interview more people. Cause clearly when you have no work, what you really need are more workers.
And the thing is, from what I can overhear (I must say I think offices are acutally worse for overhearing things than cubes. I've worked in both...and maybe it's simply that in a cube environment you tune everything out without thinking about it.) it sounds like they're trying to replace the VP who just moved out of town. Um...we need more management? To manage what, precisely? I guess the hope is that this person will go and find more business blah de blah...
Like I said, this is clearly not my forte, cause I really don't get it. And my need to wonder about this replaced the other thoughts I had for a comment today, though I will probably post again. Cause, you know those software engineers we have? (Myself included). And that work we don't have? Well, that means we just sit here trying to look busy. I'm becoming an expert at that. And the thing that really stinks about that is that I hate not having something to do. I know there are people out there who think this would be their dream job, but I really don't like it. It just feels dishonest.
19 hours ago
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